Whare Tauira |Student Hub


Approximately 80% of Darfield High School students travel to school by bus.

Click on a bus below to see the bus route for that area in Google Maps.

The buses on the routes are NOT where the bus stops, but provide the times when the bus goes past specific intersections.

The red/maroon buses are morning and blue buses show afternoon times for each route.

Buses can arrive five minutes either side of the time stated for the junction.


Procedures to follow if bus services are cancelled for the day

  • When there is no morning service (therefore none that day) due to snow or floods, the Darfield High School Bus Controller and the Principal will consult with the Bus Contractors and Primary Schools to ensure a decision is made before 6.45 am.
  • Darfield High School will send text and/or email alerts for each bus route affected, using the bus lists that are kept in the School Office, so that students and their families know of the changes.
  • The Darfield High School Facebook page and website will be updated with the relevant details by 7.30 am.
  • If no notification has been received and the bus has not arrived 30 minutes after its normal time, students should return home.
  • Please do not call the Darfield High School Office as this will overload the phone lines and prevent outgoing calls.